Tuesday, March 6, 2012

MFW: U is for Us! God made us Wonderful!

We've started a new lesson on letter U, God made US wonderful!
We had already read a lot about the human body
in previous weeks, so we had more fun with crafts today.

 Eliz's nose is too funny!  ;-)
Their pics SO capture their personalities... haha...

 We did a lot of tracing/pre-writing, but I didn't take pics.
After awhile, I start to bore myself with the same old, same old!

 But so much of learning at this age is reinforcing skills.
If they don't practice forming letters, they forget!
(As I quickly realized with Emilie).
Above, the bead stairs on the abacus.

 A scooping activity for Eliz.

 I didn't capture all her combinations of cylinders, 
but Em had fun stacking them in various ways.

 Scooter time!

 Ok the moss might like kinda funky in this pic,
but this was a really neat idea I saw on a lady's blog.
It's a bowl diorama of Good Friday.
These are the clay stone, clay cross, and clay tomb we made awhile back.
There's a tomb behind the cross which you might not be able to see well.
So on good Friday, when Jesus is crucified, all the greenery
will be wilted by then.
Come Resurrection Sunday morning, we'll put flowers and 
change it up - to show new life.
They loved making it with me today!

And on another happy note - 
they loved their LEAP co-op yesterday.
It really is such a blessing!
They blasted off as astronauts to the MOON in their class.
Eliz destroyed her moon in the pic, 
but these projects were super cute.

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