Friday, August 10, 2012

In full swing

We finished up our second week of Kindergarten and Preschool - and it feels great!  The girls are enjoying school time and we are moving right along in their curriculum.  Because I am not using a boxed program like many others, where it's all planned out for you, it has taken many hours to pull together thematic units and pieces from several curricula to tailor a fun, hands-on and creative program for the kids.  It is definitely not the easy road to homeschooling, and so I end up spending more hours than most putting it all together.  But it works and they love it, and it is worth it all in the end.

Five in A Row and Before Five in A Row - our main literature source and basis for extra activities including science, drama, art, social studies, etc.
Explode the Code Book 1 for phonics practice, along with Jolly Phonics and Don Potter's Word Mastery.
Handwriting without Tears for Elizabeth.  
Learn-at-Home Kindergarten for Emilie - handwriting, science, math, social studies supplement
Montessori Math Manipulatives and RightStart Math A for Emilie; Rod & Staff Counting with Numbers
Confessions of a Homeschooler's K printables for thematic units, as well as other websites
Leading Little Ones to God, The Big Picture Storybook Bible, Arch Book Bible stories
Memoria Press Kindergarten Recitation/Memory Work and music selections for Emilie 
Keyboard Capers (Music theory for children) - we'll see how this works.
Rod&Staff Preschool Series for Elizabeth

We'll also be doing our homeschooling co-op on Mondays, Community Bible Study on Thursdays, Gymnastics on Wednesdays, and Soccer on Tuesdays.  And possibly Korean School in the fall on Saturday mornings for Emilie.  It will be a full semester and will zip by.  I'm excited.

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