Friday, September 28, 2012

Homeschooling update

I can't believe it's almost October already!!  
We are loving this beautiful fall weather!
School is going well.  Kids are making great progress
with what seems like such little daily school time (max 2 hours/day).
But with one-on-one instruction, Em is able to make leaps and bounds.

She's reading short-vowel CVC readers (BOB books)
and sounding out new words.  We're working through new phonograms weekly.
She's almost done with book 1 of Explode the Code.  Sorry no pics of her bookwork.

She started writing sentences on her own, without me telling her what to write.
So proud of her!  Even though they are short sentences (and often misspelled),
I love that she is taking initiative to write -- which is one of the goals of Kindergarten writing.
She wrote a bunch of sentences while we were away on vacation (another post coming on that!!) but I don't have pics of that.

We've been working on simple addition with the abacus, along with reviewing
place value, skip counting, time, and money.

She did this page today...a page I xeroxed from
a 1968 math book we used as kids!!  
Love vintage books.

Telling time to the hour.
She can also count by 5s, which will help in 
telling time more accurately later on.

Our co-op started a few weeks ago... we are loving it!
Such great families there, and the girls love going to their 3 classes (cooking basics, literature, and games).
We met at playground for the first meeting, and the kids found a silk worm and made a home for it!

I am teaching a 1-2nd grade literature class there, which keeps me busy!
I have 6 sweet kids and every week we read a book and do several activities related to it.
This past week we read Madeline, a book about a little French girl who has her appendix removed.
So we talked about our GI tracts, learned about appendicitis, and about French culture.  
I had the kids made the Eiffel Tower out of sugar wafers and frosting (pinterest!)...and
they had a blast.

Here's one sweet girl and her tower.   :-)  I have pics of the other 5 but I'm too lazy to put them all up.   (All the moms have to teach a class to be a part of the co-op.)

Here is a pic from their first soccer class...

Eliz decided the class was a little too much for her,
so I withdrew her from it.  :-)
But so far Em is keeping up with it and doing well.

Totschool: Elizabeth
She is having fun learning how to write and trying to keep up with big sis.  ;-)

 Still working on her fine motor skills!

 Playdough letter mat..


 Sharpening  ;-)

 She put the correct days of the week in order - I was surprised!
She is able to recognize letters and sounds
much more adeptly than Em could at her age!

Eliz can already count to 30.  
So these days my main concern is figuring out if she is left or right handed!
She switches hands frequently while holding her pencil
and can actually use BOTH, almost equally well!
I suspect she is a lefty but she is trying to use her right hand
because she sees me doing it.
I keep telling her to just pick one hand and stick with it,
but she doesn't want to.
So we shall see!

Art/misc/Fun stuff

We've read so many books and done projects with them --
but I can't find the pics now.  So here are just a few.

 We made pastel pics from the Yellow Ball book...

 And acted out the story of Jonah with whales and paper

 We also went apple picking at a local orchard 
with our co-op friends.
Too tired to put up more pics but they had fun!
So we made an apple pie today - my first ever!
I did not make the crust...
but the pie came out half decently for a first effort, haha.
(Sorry forgot to take a pic of the finished pie).

Poor Eliz was TIRED
after walking for 2 hours.
This pic just cracks me up!
Love her!!

It's been a productive month and
I know it's because God is carrying me
and giving me strength to keep going!!!
(Cuz  the Lord knows there are DAYS when 
I don't have it in me to do this!!
Some days are rough.
Some are better than others.
But we keep going!
 And I have no regrets
because I know this is what God is calling me to do.
So onwards we go!)  :-)

T-minus 3 months and counting before BABY #3 arrives!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Damascus Community Fair

Took the kids to a local fair today.... 
one of the many "field trips" we've been on lately.  
(So behind on blogging!)
It was very small, but there were some neat finds.

 There was a trailer full of agricultural learning.
A display showing how the worm under the green onion eats the
onion and then in turn gets eaten by the mouse.
All this underground activity helps the soil stay fertile.

 Milking a fake cow
(a lot of water squirted out!)

 It was neat to see the soy beans 
from which Emilie gets her milk - 
and all the other uses for the soy bean.

 A horses' tail to brush.

 Measuring horses by "hands".

 In another building were science displays made by
local elementary kids.
Here, a butterfly collection.

 Insect collection.

 Puffer and starfish.

 A student made display of how corn is grown and harvested.

 All the local flowers grown and awarded.

Another nature table display.

 An egyptian mummy craft made by a student
(mommy is logging ideas for when we study ancient civilizations
in first or second grade).

 The farm animals were few,
but the girls still enjoyed seeing them.

 So many varieties of chickens!!

And no fair is complete without a John Deere tractor
converted into a slide for kids.  :-)
It was a fun morning.