Took the kids to a local fair today....
one of the many "field trips" we've been on lately.
(So behind on blogging!)
It was very small, but there were some neat finds.
There was a trailer full of agricultural learning.
A display showing how the worm under the green onion eats the
onion and then in turn gets eaten by the mouse.
All this underground activity helps the soil stay fertile.
Milking a fake cow
(a lot of water squirted out!)
It was neat to see the soy beans
from which Emilie gets her milk -
and all the other uses for the soy bean.
A horses' tail to brush.
Measuring horses by "hands".
In another building were science displays made by
local elementary kids.
Here, a butterfly collection.
Insect collection.
Puffer and starfish.
A student made display of how corn is grown and harvested.
All the local flowers grown and awarded.
Another nature table display.
An egyptian mummy craft made by a student
(mommy is logging ideas for when we study ancient civilizations
in first or second grade).
The farm animals were few,
but the girls still enjoyed seeing them.
So many varieties of chickens!!
And no fair is complete without a John Deere tractor
converted into a slide for kids. :-)
It was a fun morning.
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