Tuesday, December 25, 2012


My almost 4 yr old!  
You are such a bright little, verbal girl.
How fast you are growing up!
I really cherish these days with you at home
and feel so lucky I get to spend so much
time with you every day!  <3

And you LOVE to do "school" like your big sis...

 Here, using a modified Handwriting Without Tears method -
(write letter on chalk board, then water paint over letters, then write again
to really reinforce letter shapes.)

The small chalkboard edges help define the length 
and width of each letter.

 Some scissor practice...

 Followed by number matching
and then c-rod matching again.

 Counting with counters on the 100s chart..

 We went on a rainy day walk and found 44 worms on the ground!
We talked about why worms come out for "air"
when it rains.

We had a super early Bounce-U party for her
a few weeks back. 
It was late, and dark and none of my phone pics turned out!
I'll have to check the other camera to see..
More on that later...
We love you little girl!!!!
Happy early 4th birthday!!

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