Sunday, April 7, 2013

FIAR: The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge

We rowed this sweet book a few weeks ago.

I had requested it on inter-library loan months ago and only now got a response, so it was a nice surprise to row this vintage book the week before Easter.
It's the story of the little red lighthouse that really exists under the GW bridge in NYC.

The girls enjoyed watching this video tour of the real red lighthouse.

We made a lighthouse craft.

And we also watched this Reading Rainbow video of "Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie" - based on the true story of a young girl who manned the lighthouse in the NE.

We enjoyed reading about lighthouses.

We also talked about what makes bridges strong (triangle supports!) and made some of our own bridges out of toothpicks and marshmallows...  :-)

We learned the "dge" phonogram makes the sound "j"...
And about compound words:

And we talked about the most important Bridge (to God) of all: Jesus.

And the girls decided (on their own!) to make a cross!

We also had fun dyeing Easter eggs...

Happy Easter everyone!

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