Tuesday, January 31, 2012

B is for Butterfly

So the butterflies emerged from their cocoons!  
It was more bloody than I anticipated.
I didn't realize blood was spilled in this transformation!
It was amazing to behold.  
The girls and I videotaped the third butterfly crawling out.  
They were in awe, and so was I!  
If I figure out how to upload the video (ha) I will.  
In the meantime, here is a blurry pic of a painted lady butterfly.  
Sugar water is spooned onto the cut carnations
for them to drink.

B is for breakfast date with the hubs at Cornery Bakery!!
 B is for biking on a freakishly warm winter day.
(Where is the snow?!)

 B is for BUNK BEDS that the kids adore! 
(Well, it's really a loft bed with Eliz's bed pushed under it.)

 B is for balance beam!!

 And beaming after hanging like a butterfly
on the uneven bars!  :)

It was a fun afternoon for Emilie.
Eliz is not yet old enough to join this class.
She will be allowed to join the 3 year old class
when she decides to stop pooping in her diaper
and start doing her business in the toilet 
(sorry but this girl is stubborn beyond belief, I tell you!).
She pees in the toilet just fine, in case you were wondering.
And on that happy note - good night!

A is also for ANT

So this ant hill came with the My Father's World Curriculum, 
in case anyone thought I purchased this on my own accord.  
The kids LOVE watching the ants dig around, 
eat carrots, and fall down the back side of the ant hill. 

 Eliz has a really funny smile these days.  ;-)

 I had to marvel at these creatures tonight (as gross as I find them).  
See below?  The 2 top ants are "guarding" the entrance.
A bunch of them are huddled together sleeping.
And they moved their "stash" (carrots) 
way below for safe keeping.
Pretty amazing teamwork for insects with... 
well, you know, ant brains.  :)

The curriculum quotes this verse from Proverbs relating to the ant:
"Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers
its food at harvest.
How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?"
-Proverbs 6:6-9

Monday, January 30, 2012

A new week!

Oh what a difference an uninterrupted night of sleep can make!  
Eliz has slept through the night 2 days in a row.  
I'm hoping we're on a good trend here.  
School is so much better when everyone got some sleep!  :)

Our next unit is A is for Apple!  
The theme is "If I stay in Jesus I will have much fruit".  
If we were in autumn, we'd go apple picking for sure.  
But it's not, so this week we'll probably make homemade applesauce, 
and maybe if they're lucky, an apple pie.  :)  

 This is a felt apple tree board I made to accompany the book "Ten Red Apples" by Pat Hutchins.  
As we read the book, the girls acted out which animal ate which apple.  
As the apples left the tree, Emilie subtracted the correct number left.  

 Doing some blueberry subtraction!  
Emilie can add and subtract up to 6 now.  
Not bad for a 4 1/2 year old!
 She's really into "heart sandwiches" these days.  :)

 This beautiful poem about colors comes from this beautiful book.  
Gorgeous illustrations and lovely poems.  
Can't recommend it any more highly.

 Rhyming Time game from Happy Phonics.

 We're up to the "ink" words in her Blending House Game.  She's doing great!  

 This was from our tree unit last week.  
We read "A Tree is Nice" - WONDERFUL book - 
and made our own a tree is nice booklet with drawings and captions. 

Emilie loves patterning.  She's a natural at seeing shapes and colors!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Meadowside Nature Center

After another night of no sleep again (thank you Elizabeth for crying all night), we missed CBS.  So I decided to salvage what was left of the morning by going to the Meadowside Nature Center with the local mom's group I belong to.  This was our first time going and we definitely enjoyed it.

 It was small but had some fun finds.  
Push the button to hear the bird's voice calling.

 There were plenty of skinned animals hanging on the walls.  

 And snakes, frogs, turtles, insects in the discovery room.

 Outside, just a few birds: owls...


 And a bald eagle.

 The front of the center housed vintage wooden toys, instruments, and furniture to play with.

The back of the center had tons of spooky faux animals in flight.
Emilie enjoyed the dark cave more than Elizabeth did.
Next time I promised them to bring flashlights.  
That would be fun.  :)

Finished rocks!

Our painted rocks came out pretty cute, wouldn't you say?  
I did the gold glitter faces, and the girls painted the background.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

 More random shots from the day.

Eliz matching shapes.  Still figuring out how to keep her busy
while working with Emilie.  Eliz is very challenging!!

 Playing the Castle (vowel) Game from Happy Phonics.
She has to figure out the vowel in each picture
and move her coin along the "vowels" 
which lead her to her castle. 
She did great!

 Taking a break and painting rocks.  :)

 Figuring out what number comes "after". 

Flower arranging! 
She did this over and over again.
More Leaf stuff to come.

Dance class!

Emilie went to her first dance class today!  She LOVED every second of it!  And, I was so glad she was able to reconnect with her old preschool friends - Callie, Katie, Stella, and the girl on her right is a new friend from class.

The class is a tap, ballet, and gymnastics combination.  
She said she loved all three.

 This is her after somersaulting down an incline.
I was really proud of her today.  She tried everything fearlessly, 
even though it was her first time.
Couldn't have made her momma any prouder!  :)

The Wonderful Cross

Words from a great song:

Monday, January 23, 2012

MFW: L is for Leaf

It was a very rough start to the morning.  Eliz was crying all night, and then screaming all morning -- oh don't you just love the TERRIBLE 3s?!  They are still both sick with colds - sneezing, etc.  Which makes her irritable and Eliz's temper tantrums are unbelievable!  She makes Emilie look like a saint.  I am debating on sending her to preschool in the fall (a different one) so I can have some peaceful mornings with Emilie.  But I digress. 

So we finally started our new unit: L is for leaf!  Now most people using this curriculum start in September, so it's perfect for leaf hunting outside.  Since we've started in January, there are no leaves outside... but we are trying to make do.

 Saw these adorable line drawings of trees on Pinterest here.
The leaf cut outs are a photocopy from the plant book below.
Emilie and Elizabeth both picked out trees and I helped them draw them.
The main lesson for today is just as leaves cannot survive apart from the steam/plant
so we cannot survive without remaining in - obeying, reading the Word, and loving - Jesus.  
"I will live and grow in Jesus".

 These are some vintage, sweet plant and tree books we enjoyed reading.

 Comparing different leaf shapes and sizes.  
Since we can't go tree leaf hunting, we are using plant leaves instead to draw and look at.

 Using a stencil to trace leaves and blossoms.

 Diagramming parts of a plant!

 Counting practice for Elizabeth.

 ABC Bingo!  They loved this game.  
Flip over alphabet cards and call out the letter and say the sound it makes. 
Then cover your squares and the first one to get 4 in a row wins!

 Egg carton phonics game.  A lot of fun!  
This is one of the games from our phonics program, Happy Phonics.
Put a button or bean inside, close the lid, shake it up, open.
Wherever the button falls you have to say the letter and sound it makes.
Each time you say it correctly you get a point.
Person with most points wins!

 Letter matching apple tree game for Elizabeth.
I printed this game 2 years ago for Emilie and I cannot remember where I found them.
Maybe kidssoup.com?  I'm not sure.  Sorry!

 Reading time with Daddy!
Daddy explaining how seeds become trees.
They love reading books with us on the couch.

And lastly, on a (sorta) gross note:
The caterpillars are getting ready to spin cocoons!
Ewwww!  ;-)
Once they spin their cocoons, we transfer them into their butterfly net house.
Then after a few days, we release them into the (freezing) wild.
Seeing the awe and wonder of Emilie and Elizabeth 
as they realize this is going to turn into a butterfly -- 
makes having these gross things sitting on my kitchen counter worthwhile.  ;-)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sick day

Eliz's night terrors have returned with a vengeance!  Not to mention both of them have sinus infections and no one got any sleep all week, so today was a sick day.  We are all exhausted.  After the pediatrician's office, we went to Costco with Daddy (half day for him!) and treated ourselves to ice cream and lunch.  Afterwards the girls helped mommy around the house.

 Washing short-grain rice in the pot - more fun for them...

 Putting potatoes and carrots into the crock pot for pot roast...

Last night at our friend Ray's house... it was great to catch up with old friends!
And Emilie has a crush on their boys.  ;-)
I've never seen her sit so still on a couch before, haha!