Monday, January 30, 2012

A new week!

Oh what a difference an uninterrupted night of sleep can make!  
Eliz has slept through the night 2 days in a row.  
I'm hoping we're on a good trend here.  
School is so much better when everyone got some sleep!  :)

Our next unit is A is for Apple!  
The theme is "If I stay in Jesus I will have much fruit".  
If we were in autumn, we'd go apple picking for sure.  
But it's not, so this week we'll probably make homemade applesauce, 
and maybe if they're lucky, an apple pie.  :)  

 This is a felt apple tree board I made to accompany the book "Ten Red Apples" by Pat Hutchins.  
As we read the book, the girls acted out which animal ate which apple.  
As the apples left the tree, Emilie subtracted the correct number left.  

 Doing some blueberry subtraction!  
Emilie can add and subtract up to 6 now.  
Not bad for a 4 1/2 year old!
 She's really into "heart sandwiches" these days.  :)

 This beautiful poem about colors comes from this beautiful book.  
Gorgeous illustrations and lovely poems.  
Can't recommend it any more highly.

 Rhyming Time game from Happy Phonics.

 We're up to the "ink" words in her Blending House Game.  She's doing great!  

 This was from our tree unit last week.  
We read "A Tree is Nice" - WONDERFUL book - 
and made our own a tree is nice booklet with drawings and captions. 

Emilie loves patterning.  She's a natural at seeing shapes and colors!

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