Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Butterfly Exhibit: Wings of Fancy

We made it to the Brookside Gardens Butterfly Exhibit this morning.
Wow!  We were in for a real treat!  Hundreds of exotic, huge, gorgeous butterflies
flying all around you in a greenhouse of flowers.  It was a sight to behold.

We entered through the Caterpillar House
to see the butterfly in various stages
(as eggs on a leaf, as a caterpillar, as a chrysalid).

 Then we walked into the butterfly greenhouse and were surrounded by
the most beautiful, brightest blue butterflies I had ever seen.
They were constantly flying so unfortunately, I couldn't get them on film.  :(
I believe those blue morphos live in the rain forests of
South America.

 But there were so many kinds of butterflies feeding on different flowers -
and even on bananas and grapes which had been laid out for them.

 These butterflies were imported from Costa Rica,
Europe, Asia, and South America.

 And we saw some familiar ones too.

 The girls were ooohing and ahhhing the entire time.

I am always amazed at the variety of designs God came up with!
Then again, I really shouldn't be surprised when I consider the billions of unique 
people on this earth - no two alike - with billions of unique fingerprints, etc etc.
There is no limit to God's creativity.
He is infinite in every way -- infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite power, and 
infinitely and beautifully creative Himself.

 The girls and kids got to hold some dead butterflies (sad)
as well.

 Love the blue spot on this one.

 This beautiful butterfly is called the OWL Butterfly,
and is from Costa Rica (that eye does look like the eye
of an owl, doesn't it?).

 We snacked in the gorgeous flower gardens
and rested in the shade of the gazebo.

It was hot outside, and the girls are tired out here.
But what an unforgettable morning it was!

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