Monday, June 11, 2012

She's reading!

Emilie has been reading a few short stories the last few days!  Granted they are Bob-type stories (The fat cat Nat sat on a mat.) but reading is reading!  Something just clicked and she has been excitedly pouring through her reader every night.  I don't even tell her to practice, she just brings it to me.  :)  It was super affirming for both of us, that after 5 or 6 months of doing light phonics work with her, she learned to read.  I guess I must be doing something right, HAHA!  :P  And to have this happen during a month when I've been bed-ridden and we've done very little formal school work, has been extra rewarding....

1 comment:

  1. That is so great! Lulu was the same way, which has been extremely gratifying after all the struggles we have had (and still have) with Mimi's reading. Lulu is now reading at what I estimate as a Level 3 or 4 (end of K) which is, sadly, where Mimi was at the beginning of this past (Gr 1 school year).
