Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I can't believe it's already February!  
Meaning, we've homeschooled for a month
and I haven't run for the hills or lost my mind completely!  :D
Just kidding.
It's actually been, overall, really good.
God has blessed it.
The kids tell me they "LOVE" doing school at home
(music to my ears and motivation to get going in the morning!).
So onwards we go.

 So this is little math addition song is from our math curriculum.
There's a CD to play along but it's
more fun to just sing it acapella.
Even Eliz is learning her math this way - LOL!

The word AND is boxed 
because that is the sight word of the day.

 So in keeping with our apple/fruit theme of the week...

 And each kid got a sticker for displaying one of the fruits of the Spirit.
(Notice only ONE sticker for today?  LOL)

 Then we tweaked a recipe from this FUN kid's cookbook
And made surprise blueberry muffins.
(And Eliz actually ate some!)
They were fighting over who got to stir what ingredient in
the entire time so I couldn't get many pics.  :/

And here is Eliz playing with her barn animals.  
She looooves her animals.

 Forgot to post our cherry trees pics from yesterday.
They always want to paint and would paint daily if I let them!
But I try and keep it to once a week b/c of the cleanup factor.  ;-)

 And our salt trays.  
Tracing alphabet letters in salt is a great pre-writing activity
for little toddler fingers.  
You could use sand too but salt trays "erase" (shaking the tray) easier.
(But boy is this MESSY!)  :/

And of course, Emilie had to join in.  :)

We also went to the playground at lunch with Daddy 
since it was a GORGEOUS afternoon outside.
And we worked on handwriting, we read nursery rhymes, 
and closed the day with our chapter from the Big Picture Story Bible
and (I forgot to mention) our chapter from Charlotte's Web. 
Most of the language in this book is above Eliz's head 
(Em gets about 75% of it)
so sometimes I paraphrase.  :)
But they LOVE the story!

1 comment:

  1. Janest, you are doing such amazing things with your girls, wow!! Love it all - it's so creative and beautiful. Makes me wonder what Kathryn is actually up to in her class, haha! Will email you soon, too! Love ya. - Faith
