Friday, February 17, 2012

T is for Turtle

I'm behind on pics! 
A new unit, a new week, and their first class at LEAP.
And new Montessori toys.  :)

Letter hunt and printables below from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

 Painting our paper plate turtles!

 The theme: 
"I do not quit.  I persevere."
We talked about how we don't give up
trying, or doing something, even 
when it's hard or when it takes time.
We keep going!
Besides reading a ton of turtle books,
the perseverance theme is read in
The Little Engine That Could and
Mike Mulligan the Steam Shovel - 
both favorites around here.

 Feb calendar.

 We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar
and practiced writing and ordering
the days of the week.  :)

 Printables from

And I'll end with this one.
I asked Elizabeth what her pattern was,
totally expecting her to say "Red, yellow, red, yellow."
Instead, she answered:
"Trapezoid, hexagon, trapezoid, hexaon, trapezoid, hexagon."
I said, in shock, "where did you learn this?"
"From home {you}".
She must've remembered it when I was telling Emilie the names!  
The girl is a sponge!
And I know Emilie couldn't have 
done that when she just turned 3!!  LOL

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