Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pics from the week

We started out the day making word caterpillars, 
an idea I saw from Pinterest here.  
These are some -at family words -
the ones Em is most comfortable reading
right now.
 It would've looked prettier had I written the words,
but I want to give her as much
writing practice as possible.

 Eliz is still learning how to spell her 
very, very long name.  ;-)

 Blend ladder phonics practice
from our MFW curriculum.
 Fun animal patterning practice for Eliz.

 Swinging from the gymnastics bar today
at a make-up class, since we missed class yesterday.

 Gotta love the dollar spot at Target!

 Em is really such a gifted artist.
Sounds like I am giving my
4 year old airs, I know, but
I really do marvel at her keen
sense of proportion, line, and color.

 So while Em was at ballet class,
Eliz and stroll next door to Giant
for some one-on-one time.
I found some Air-Dry-Clay there!
So we made clay things all afternoon.
They LOVED it!
No pics of them doing it, sorry, b/c
my hands were covered in clay as well.  ;-)
It brought back a lot of memories of high school
when I took several ceramics classes.
Ahhh, those were the days!
Once these are dry, we're gonna paint them.

 And I'll end with these bubble blowing pics.
It was SUCH a beautiful day today!

 You really can smell spring in the air
on a day like today.
It was lovely out.
Happy Ash Wednesday!

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