Tuesday, February 7, 2012

N is for Nest

We started a new unit today.  
N is for Nest!
The tagline: "God takes good care of me".

 We made bird's nests out of spanish moss
And fake easter eggs.  :)
And glued beans down as their "seeds".

 Do-a-dot letter N from here.
She has some GREAT printables
and even creates curriculum for free or cheap!
Love her geography and art curriculum.

 Finally getting back to some traditional montessori work.
Cards and counters.
This is a good way to visually teach odd and even numbers
(the odd numbers have a "tail").

 Making polygons from colored sticks.
The task is self-correcting since
there are only 3 orange sticks for a triange,
4 green sticks for a square, etc etc.

 Making pie fractions.

 Eliz doing some metal insets.
This is a montessori pre-writing activity.

And finally a plain old measuring tape.
The stool is 12 inches, she said!
It was a good day.

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